
aberdeen’s cruyff courts

Delivered in partnership with Aberdeen City Council and the Cruyff Foundation.


Cruyff court denis law


Denis Law Legacy Trust and the Johan Cruyff Foundation opened Scotland's first Cruyff Court, named in honour of Denis Law, in July 2017.

The hi-tech, all-weather playing area located on Catherine Street (just off George Street) in Aberdeen city centre provides a community with an unbookable, entirely free-to-access sports hub.

“We have reached a new milestone on a project that will offer fantastic new facilities for young people and their families in the city centre and the communities in the surrounding areas", Councillor Ross Grant, Aberdeen City Council’s then Spokesman for Regeneration.

The Cruyff Foundation has helped develop Cruyff Courts across the globe and recognizes the educational, social and inclusive value of play areas within urban communities.

The play area was designed with the help of Communication Design and Architecture students at at Robert Gordon University.

Our Streetsport programme works with a number of delivery partners to develop a free programme of activities that benefits all members of the local community and includes a wide range of different inclusive sessions, community events and annual festivals.

Scotland's first Cruyff Court Denis Law is launched in Aberdeen.

"Establishing the first Cruyff Court in Scotland offers us a further opportunity to bring additional activities to city centre communities. We will continue to target those areas which need our support and endeavour to attract those who live out with the city centre to utilise the play area to the full.”

Graham Thom, then Chairman, Denis Law Legacy Trust

Denis Law launches Scotland's first Cruyff Court.

Denis Law - House Goals v2.png

Heroes of the Cruyff Courts

The Heroes of the Cruyff Courts project aims to support and empower young people to be confident, capable, independent role models within their own communities.  

The initiative develops local Cruyff Foundation Coaches who then help other young people organise a sports event within their own community. By organising events, the young people are challenged to try something new and discover and develop their own talents and abilities along the way.

Read all about our 2022 Heroes of the Cruyff Court event here.

Cruyff Court Neale Cooper

Aberdeen’s second Cruyff Court opened in Torry, in the Tullos area of the city, in November 2019.

Again built in partnership with the Cruyff Foundation and Aberdeen City Council, the sports court replaced a decrepit artificial surface next to Tullos Primary School on Girdleness Road in Torry.

Named after Aberdeen FC legend Neale Cooper, the official opening attracted a large audience and a host of well-known, smiling faces, a fitting testament to the legacy of Cooper who sadly passed away in 2018.

Graham Hunter compered with members of the Gothenburg Greats, ex-Barcelona, Tottenham and Aberdeen player Steve Archibald and, of course, footballing legend and Trust patron Denis Law among those to attend.

The Cruyff Court’s official opening was marked with a penalty scored by Neale’s son, Alex, against legendary goalkeeper Jim Leighton.

Speaking on behalf of the Cooper family who were also in attendance, Alex said: “We are proud to see dad’s memory being honoured in this way and to be part of the opening celebrations.

“Football was a huge part of his life from a young age and provided so many wonderful opportunities - we know Cruyff Court Neale Cooper will provide the next generation with the same chance to play and thrive.

“It’s a great facility and the emphasis on fun and enjoyment is something dad would wholeheartedly endorse.”

Denis Law said: “It’s a brilliant day for Neale’s family and all of the partners to see the project completed and the site come to life with lots of laughter and smiles. The first Cruyff Court has been a real asset to Aberdeen and to the work of our Streetsport team – there’s no doubt in my mind Cruyff Court Neale Cooper will be just as successful. We deliberately don’t set rules, but the house goals are for this to be a space for everyone to enjoy together as a safe and fun environment for young people.”


Graham Thom, then Chairman of the Denis Law Legacy Trust, said: “We’re delighted to be marking the opening of Aberdeen’s second Cruyff Court and to be honouring the memory of Neale Cooper, one of the city’s most-loved sporting sons. The investment made by the Council and the Cruyff Foundation has created a wonderful facility and through our Streetsport team we look forward to bringing a range of activities to the community, with support and encouragement to get involved and enjoy new opportunities.”

Niels Meijer, Director of the Johan Cruyff Foundation, said: “We’re very happy to open the Cruyff Court Neale Cooper thanks to the players of the People’s Postcode Lottery, Aberdeen City Council and Denis Law Legacy Trust. It feels good to honour the legend Neale Cooper this way. The first Cruyff Court in Aberdeen has proven its impact and we’re excited to create more safe spaces in Scotland.”

Councillor Jenny Laing, then Aberdeen City Council Co-Leader, said: “It is fantastic to see Cruyff Court Neale Cooper open and already being used and enjoyed. Honouring Neale in this way is very fitting and it’s a pleasure to welcome the family to perform the official opening. This will be a hugely popular and important facility, providing a safe and supportive environment to encourage activity and build confidence.”

reducing anti-social behaviour since 2019

As evidenced by Polic Scotland data, Cruyff Court Neale Cooper has played a significant role in reducing youth anti-social behaviour.

Since the building of Cruyff Court Neale Cooper in 2019, anti-social behaviour in the area has been slashed by 50% and where the area once topped anti-social behavioural charts – it is now 6th. The court was nominated at Aberdeen’s Sports Awards 2023 for its role in making a positive impact on anti-social behaviour rates in Torry.

You can view the impact of Cruyff Court Neale Cooper here.

Cruyff Court Willie Miller

In May 2024, Cruyff Court Willie Miller opened in the Tillydrone area of Aberdeen.

The Cruyff Court was named in honour of Aberdeen FC’s legendary skipper, who led the team to the Cup Winners’ Cup victory over Real Madrid in 1983, Willie Miller.

Once again, built in partnership with the Cruyff Foundation and Aberdeen City Council, Cruyff Court Willie Miller became Aberdeen’s third Cruyff Court - making Aberdeen one of only two cities in the UK to have three of the outdoor community sports hubs.

The court is free to use and includes an artificial sports and activity area, basketball and dodgeball courts, mini-tennis courts and a running track.

Willie Miller said: "I am truly honoured to have my name associated with this new facility that will offer young people a safe space to engage in sport for years to come.

“Spaces like the Cruyff Courts are vital in reducing anti-social behaviour and encouraging young people to keep active and so, I am confident the community will wholeheartedly embrace this fantastic facility.”

Local school children from Riverside Primary School and St Machar Academy tried out the new court by taking part in activities organised by the Denis Law Legacy Trust’s Streetsport programme. 

The Lord Provost of Aberdeen, Dr David Cameron, was joined by Willie Miller in opening the facility, as well as representatives of the Denis Law Legacy Trust and Johan Cruyff Foundation, and members of the Tillydrone and Woodside Community Councils.

Image Credit: Aberdeen City Council

The Lord Provost said: “This is a fantastic addition to not only the local community but Aberdeen and will be popular with all ages.

“I am delighted that the new court is named after Aberdeen FC’s most successful captain, who led the team during their most successful period, and I hope that everyone who uses this facility can take inspiration from Willie’s fantastic achievements.”  

David Suttie, Trustee, Denis Law Legacy Trust said: "Denis Law Legacy Trust is delighted that Aberdeen's third Cruyff Court is now open and operational in Tillydrone. It doesn't get any more special than being named in honour of the legendary, Willie Miller. We are grateful to our partners, Aberdeen City Council and The Johan Cruyff Foundation and, together, we are all helping to make a big difference in the city of Aberdeen." 

Mark Williams, Chief Operating Officer, Denis Law Legacy Trust: "I am proud that our work now and in the future with CCWM will provide long lasting positive outcomes that will give young people and the Tillydrone community a real platform to thrive from and enjoy as their own."

Niels Meijer, director of the Cruyff Foundation, commented: “With Cruyff Court Willie Miller, space is created for the children of Tillydrone. Space to sport and play. Space to grow. Space to make friends. Space to be active and improve physical and mental health. Nowadays, this is more important than ever. We’re happy to add a new Cruyff Court, carrying the name of the legend Willie Miller and are thankful for the players of People’s Postcode Lottery who support courts like this.”

Aberdeen’s Cruyff Courts are thanks to a successful partnership between Denis Law Legacy Trust, Aberdeen City Council and the Cruyff Foundation.

denis law legacy trust x foundation 92

Denis Law Legacy Trust and Foundation 92 have twinned Cruyff Court Operations.

At the heart of the twinning is Volunteer exchanges are a key benefit that would see individuals in Aberdeen and Salford switch places to experience new cultures, people and places.

On the twinning, Tom Hutton said “I’m pleased to announce Cruyff Court Class of ‘92 is going to be twinned with Cruyff Court Denis Law. Two courts side by side, different cities, often with people facing the same challenges and barriers.”

“In addition to that, we are going to be launching over the next month or so, some really exciting projects to help broaden horizons for young people and provide new opportunities.”

“There will be an exchange programme where the volunteers can go and try new things, see new sights, go up and see the wonderful North-sea coastline in Aberdeen and the young people in Aberdeen can come down to Greater Manchester to see Salford and the amazing football stadiums in the area!”

Mark Williams added that “we have seen first-hand the tremendous benefits that Cruyff Courts bring to communities in Aberdeen and we are delighted that, thanks to our friends at Foundation 92, young people in Salford will soon experience those positives too.”

“The twinning of Cruyff Court operations with Foundation 92 is something truly transformative that will open up so many doors to young people in both Aberdeen and Salford.”

“From volunteer exchanges that enable individuals to experience new activities and places to having Streetsport sessions down in Salford this exciting partnership will give plenty of opportunities to young people, who otherwise may not have the chance.”

Simon Wood from the Johan Cruyff Foundation said “Johan Cruyff’s legacy is about creating space and inspiring people through sport and physical activity. To have two other great organisations in Denis Law Legacy Trust and Foundation 92 coming together to support this is fantastic.”

“The twinning will bring a number of benefits for both communities. The opportunities to share learning and good practice for the organisations as well as connecting people in those communities through events and activities.”

“It’s fantastic to hear that young people will have the chance to visit and learn about different cultures. We know that young people have a huge amount to offer so, both charities will undoubtedly benefit from having visitors from a different part of the UK.”