Thank you for your interest in helping Denis Law Legacy Trust.
We have a lot going on and plenty of ways for you to get involved. You could volunteer at Streetsport sessions, offer your time and expertise behind the scenes or even fundraise with us at a charity event.
We are always grateful for any additional help! If you want to find out more please, get in touch with us to get started.
Volunteer your skills at sessions, events or behind the scenes and we will provide you with training, support and exciting new opportunities. Join our exciting team today!
All money raised goes directly in to fund Denis Law Legacy Trust operations. Your generosity makes enables us to support and empower young people to thrive.
The Denis Law Legacy Trust is committed to working with likeminded organisations and businesses to support our objectives. Contact us to view our sponsorship packages.
Fancy a challenge? Help us raise funds through participating in events on behalf of the Denis Law Legacy Trust or organise a fundraising event of your own. We’ll pay entry costs and more.
we are committed to good fundraising
Fundraising is the life blood of many Scottish charities and we need to raise funds from voluntary sources. We could not fulfill our charitable mission without the support of generous, thoughtful and committed donors. We value the support of donors and understand the need to balance our duties to beneficiaries, with our duties to donors.
We will comply with the law as it applies to charities and fundraising and we commit that we will guarantee to adhere to best practice as outlined in the Fundraising Code of Practice.