Our programmes have demonstrated measurable impact across Aberdeen City over a number of years, winning both local and national recognition.


Total participations across all activities

*2020 and 2021 severely curtailed due to CV19

% Participation by Age Group - 2019

Gender split across all participations



Prioritising Prevention


Our flagship Streetsport initiative has worked strategically in partnership with a wide variety of stakeholders over the past 18+ years in over 50 locations throughout Aberdeen City with over hundreds of volunteers helping to deliver our activities.

Over the last 12 years we have worked primarily in collaboration with Aberdeen City Council, Police Scotland and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service plus many other partners in an effort to assist with crime prevention through intervention and diversionary tactics.

Denis Law Legacy Trust is also recognised by Aberdeen City Council for assisting with the delivery of the Scottish Government’s Activity Agreement Initiative.



Reduction in youth anti-social behaviour since the opening of Cruyff Court Neale Cooper in Torry.



The wellbeing of children and young people sits at the heart of the Scottish Government's Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) approach.

Using the Wellbeing Wheel and the SHANARRI indicators we have started to build a picture of how Safe, Healthy, Active, Nurtured, Achieving, Respected, Responsible and Included participants feel at Streetsport. 

We asked participants to score between 1-5 how they felt on each section of the SHANARRI wheel and then compared their results to that of their home and school life. Streetsport scored on average above 4 on each section. Comparing this to answers relating to school and home we can clearly see the positive impact that Streetsport is having on participants, and the wider role that we play in their wellbeing.


Help us KEEP MAKING A difference