ways to help


Challenge yourself to get fit, have fun and fundraise for Denis Law Legacy Trust.

Distance running, triathlons and obstacle course races are all great ways to challenge yourself while doing good for your community.

In 2019 we were delighted to have people taking part in the following events to raise money for the trust and the Streetsport programme; Balmoral 10K, Aberdeen Great Run, Business Football 5’s, Land’s End to John O’Groats cycle, Paddy Buckley Round run, Speyside Way walk and a race night.

Through the pandemic restrictions we were still lucky enough to have people complete virtual marathons and Kiltwalks over the past couple years which has been amazing.

This year members of the team have committed to completing the Aberdeen Kiltwalk on May 29 and with it we have purchased a number of promo codes for others to join our team. Please get in touch if you’d like to get involved. We also have charity spots on the Virtual London Marathon both this year and next and would be delighted to hear from you if you were keen to take these challenges on. Take a look below for what all else we have coming up this year.

If you'd like to fundraise for Denis Law Legacy Trust by taking part in an event then contact us to find out more. We will reimburse you for the cost of the entrance fee as well as provide you with a Denis Law Legacy Trust branded vest and thank-you pack upon completion!

If sport events aren't your cup of tea, how about hosting a coffee morning or race night? If you've got an idea and would like a hand to get it off the ground we'd love to hear from you.

2022 - Save the dates

April 3 - Manchester Marathon

May 29 - Aberdeen Kiltwalk

June 3 - DLLT Race Night at the Ashvale, Great Western Road


TBC - DLLT Annual Quiz Night

October 2 - Virtual London Marathon

November 18 - DLLT Annual Fundraising Dinner at The Marcliffe Hotel and Spa