Inaugural race night raises near £4,000 for Streetsport

The Denis Law Legacy Trust held their first ever race night on Friday (31/05/19) in order to raise funds for Streetsport, the award-winning programme which benefits youngsters throughout Aberdeen city and shire.

The night was hosted by The Ashvale on Great Western Road and was a roaring success with fantastic food, eight tense races and a raffle which included a signed Denis Law football shirt from 1967- when Scotland and Denis ruled the footballing world.

In total, an incredibly generous £3,920 was raised by all involved- a sum that far eclipsed all of the Trust’s expectations.

Trust chairman, Graham Thom, said: “A huge thanks must go to Billy, Stuart and all other staff at the Ashvale.

King Foods too, for their fantastic contribution of fish for everyone, plus all those who sponsored races, horses and of course those who attended and contributed to such a successful night.

“The support that we at the Denis Law Legacy Trust and the Streetsport programme gain is much appreciated and one we’re all very grateful for.

“Thanks again to everyone involved and hopefully we’ll see you all at future fundraising events too”.

Every race was sponsored by local companies while each horse was bought by family and friends for a small fee which added to the grand total.

Giveaway prizes included multiple Ashvale vouchers which were generously donated plus signed Denis Law memorabilia.

Mark Williams, Streetsport COO, attended the event himself and said how the funds will help: “With the hugely popular Denis Law Legacy Trust Community Football festival just around the corner, the generous support raised on nights like these help us provide even more opportunities for young people in Aberdeen.

“The amount raised on Friday will go directly towards helping us develop and introduce a number of new ideas for Aberdeen to enjoy during this year’s festival”.

Thanks once again to Andy Hall for some great images captured on the night.