DLLT proudly presented with Principal’s Award for Outstanding Service to the Community from the University of Aberdeen

The Denis Law Legacy Trust have been proudly presented with the Principal’s Award for Outstanding Service to the Community from the University of Aberdeen.

Patron Denis Law was on hand in the Granite City to gratefully receive the award with chairman Graham Thom on Tuesday.

The ceremony also recognised Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal and Professor Janet Darbyshire CBE with honorary degrees.

Professor George Boyne, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Aberdeen, said: “The University of Aberdeen’s foundational purpose dedicates this institution to acting ‘in the service of others’.

“Honorary degrees and special awards are our way of acknowledging people who have made exceptional contributions to the service of others, and I am delighted we are recognising The Princess Royal, Professor Janet Darbyshire and the Denis Law Legacy Trust in this way.”

Credit: ITV/PA

Credit: ITV/PA

The University of Aberdeen cited the Trust’s programme Streetsport as providing “free outreach projects to children and young people in the local area” who have made “huge strides in reducing youth crime and anti-social behaviour”.

Mark Williams, chief operating officer at the Denis Law Legacy trust, said: “We all feel very privileged and grateful to receive this fantastic award from the University of Aberdeen.

“Thank you so much to them and in particular Professor George Boyne, it’s an honour to be here and in such distinguished company.

“The Principal’s Award for Outstanding Service to the Community is particular recognition to our small team of dedicated staff and volunteers who work so hard towards common goals.

“We ultimately do what we do not for the honours but for the young people in Aberdeen whom we aim to positively affect all year round, rain or shine.

“The award will hopefully further strengthen our name in the communities of Aberdeen that need our support the most and in turn improve the lives of many”.

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Denis Law Legacy Trust

Supporting & empowering young people to be confident, capable, independent and responsible citizens within their own communities.


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