70 Years On From Denis Law Receiving A Pivotal Pair Of Football Boots, DLLT Distributes Sports Kit To Young People

Denis Law (kneeling, far right-hand side) as a young lad growing up in Aberdeen.

In 1952, on his 12th birthday Denis Law was gifted a pair of football boots from his friend and neighbour George Geddes.

To mark 70 years since that occasion, Denis Law Legacy Trust has distributed a substantial amount of sports kit to young people across Aberdeen city.

Common Goal, earlier this year, secured the vast amount of sports kit for their UK partners, which includes Denis Law Legacy Trust.

The £15,000 worth of kit awarded to the Trust will be gifted to Streetsport participants and includes t-shirts, shorts and boots.

Streetsport is an award-winning programme, ran in partnership with Robert Gordon University, delivering free week-nightly sports and creative activity sessions for young people across Aberdeen City.

Denis Law Legacy Trust was also the beneficiary of 400 footballs to utilise at the free to access sessions as a result of Common Goal’s successful bid.

Chief Operating Officer at Denis Law Legacy Trust, Mark Williams said “Donating this sports kit to young people across Aberdeen is one of our ways of supporting young people and giving back to the communities we work in.

Our hope is that by doing this we continue to remove barriers to accessing sport, much like with our Cruyff Courts that provide free to access pitches and #YesBallGames campaign.

I would like to thank Common Goal for making it possible for us to do this. It’s all the more special being able to do this on the 70th anniversary of Denis being gifted his own pair of football boots from his friend, George Geddes.”

Hannah Clews, Streetsport Development Manager added that “Being part of the Streetsport operational team, you are aware of the huge pressure on young people and their families to have the ‘right’ kit and it’s something we do our best to try and help with.

Coaches usually donate their old boots and we’ve reached out to clubs and other charities to ask for donations in the past.

Being able to identify those who need, ask for sizes then return the following week with a brand-new set just for them has been so positive for us, our relationship with the community but most importantly they've been so very greatly received by participants which is lovely to see.”

Denis Law Legacy Trust are always open to donations and support from organisations, businesses and networks. To learn more about this contact Denis Law Legacy Trust at streetsport@rgu.ac.uk or 01224 263 681.

Denis Law Legacy Trust

Supporting & empowering young people to be confident, capable, independent and responsible citizens within their own communities.


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