Denis Law’s Academy and Skills Development Scotland Partner for CV Workshop

Denis Law’s Academy, a personal and professional development programme launched by Denis Law Legacy Trust in April, organised and delivered its first CV workshop in partnership with Skills Development Scotland.

Targeted at young people currently engaged in Denis Law Legacy Trust’s programmes and activities - from volunteers to coaches - the workshop focused on skills development, employability and CV writing.

Of the 10 young people, aged between 15 and 20, who took part, all successfully completed the workshop and left with a new CV and understanding of interview skills.

Run in partnership with Robert Gordon University with support from The Wood Foundation, Denis Law’s Academy has seen several successful early participants and has forged a range of productive partnerships with organisations such as, Abz Works, SHMU, Workingrite and, of course, Skills Development Scotland.

Looking toward the future, 60% of participants felt that a further workshop on ‘interview preparation’ would be useful and on average, participants rated the workshop a 9/10 in terms of usefulness.

One Denis Law’s Academy CV workshop participant said "Rhys and the rest of the team made sure what we were doing was still engaging with activities and discussions to help us with what we needed to put on the CV’s, by hearing other people’s ideas it help with what we needed to write individually too".

Rhys Jones, Community Coordinator, Denis Law’s Academy said “Since the launch of Denis Law’s Academy, we recognised that partnership working would be an integral part of the programme in supporting us to deliver engaging workshops and activities to upskill our young people.”

“Our relationship with Skills Development Scotland is vital and, even prior to launch, their support has been instrumental in shaping this workshop. The feedback from the session has been hugely positive with everyone who attended ‘very likely’ to come back to the next workshop.  Alongside that, there is no shortage of suggestions for what the next workshop could be, so we can look forward to delivering more workshops like this in the future.”

Ruth Bell, Careers Advisor with Skills Development Scotland said “This was a really worthwhile session which allowed both time and support from both agencies to help the individuals with developing their own CVs; one of whom was taking his with him to an interview the next day.”

“This is the 2nd workshop we have run with Denis Law Legacy Trust focusing on different areas of Career Management Skills each time. We look forward to working again in partnership in 2025 for our next workshop, the focus of which will be directed by the young people and the support they require.”

Denis Law’s Academy is organised and delivered by Denis Law Legacy Trust and aims to support young people through personal, professional and wellbeing development to help shape their aspirations.

Denis Law Legacy Trust is a registered charity that operates and delivers a number of free to access programmes and positive destination activities for young people in Aberdeen.

Denis Law’s Academy CV Workshop participants

Denis Law Legacy Trust

Supporting & empowering young people to be confident, capable, independent and responsible citizens within their own communities.

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