Denis Law Legacy Trust Golf Outing 2022: Team image gallery

Thanks to all of the participating teams at 2022’s Golf Outing at Deeside Golf Course who helped make it such a special inaugural event for the charity.

All the money raised is hugely appreciated and goes a long way to helping the organisation achieve significant targets.

Thanks to Andy Hall and Brian Doyle for their very generous efforts in providing photography on the day. Images below can be enlarged by clicking on them and you can also view more event information and course images here.

Winners are pictured alongside Denis Law Legacy Trust Trustee David Suttie and Barry Duncan of sponsors CNR International.

Finally, thanks again to Deeside Golf Course for having us and to CNR International for their sponsorship.

Denis Law Legacy Trust

Supporting & empowering young people to be confident, capable, independent and responsible citizens within their own communities.

Family fun day success from Torry’s Heroes of the Cruyff Court


Inaugural DLLT Golf Outing becomes instant success