GCS launch survey for young people

A recently established Aberdeen youth forum has launched a new survey for their young peers.

Granite City Speaks, the youth forum formed by Denis Law Legacy Trust and its Streetsport programme, has released the survey to better understand how young people want to be consulted.

Related to Aberdeen’s Child Friendly City bid and targeted at young people in Aberdeen aged 11-25, the aim is to develop guidance for professionals of how to achieve meaningful youth engagement.

A new law means young people require consulted when decisions are made by businesses or the council, for example, that may affect the youngsters themselves. It’s hoped that this survey will help establish how young people wish to be communicated with when this is the case.

The survey has been created by GCS members working in partnership with Reboot Aberdeen.

If you’re in the targeted demographic, please fill in the survey here and help spread the word: https://forms.office.com/r/M55sSn08s2

Denis Law Legacy Trust

Supporting & empowering young people to be confident, capable, independent and responsible citizens within their own communities.


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