Week presents trio of special events as The Lawman returns

Denis Law Legacy Trust is hopeful for a week of celebration as three long-awaited events are finally staged in Aberdeen.

On Thursday 18, Denis Law’s “Legend” statue will be unveiled in the city centre with the charity patron being joined by Sir Alex Ferguson at the unveiling ceremony.

The statue, featuring Denis in his iconic arm-raised pose, is situated by the newly renovated Provost Skene’s House with the cost being met by Denis Law Legacy Trust and the city's Common Good Fund.

The following day marks the Trust’s first annual fundraising dinner in two years as special guests, sponsors and friends head to a sold out Marcliffe Hotel on the evening of November 19.

Special guests on the night will include Denis Law himself plus former Aberdeen and Manchester United cup-winning captain Martin Buchan plus Willie Henderson, fellow former Scotland international who played alongside Denis. Martin and Willie will both be speaking to the audience with renowned compère Alex Fleming.

The fundraising dinner will also feature a raffle, both a silent and live auction, as well as the chance to buy the Trust’s brand new #YesBallGames footballs - hand-stitched in Kenya via the Alive and Kicking organisation.

The twinning of Aberdeen’s Cruyff Court Denis Law with Peace Field in Flanders will round off the trio of events on Saturday November 20.

The twinning is an initiative between Denis Law Legacy Trust, Aberdeen City Council, National Children’s Football Alliance and the Peace Fields Project which aims to promote the use of sport as a tool to bring people together.

Cruyff Court Denis Law, already Scotland’s first Cruyff Court, will now become Scotland’s first football pitch to be twinned with Peace Field in Belgium - where rival troops came together in 1914 to play football during a pause in World War I hostilities.

The ceremonial occasion will feature dignitary speeches plus Gordon Highlanders and Royal British Legion pipers.

The celebrations arrive on the back of Streetsport, Denis Law Legacy Trust’s flagship programme, enjoying their most participated quarter ever as young people attended sessions en masse over the autumn.

Denis Law Legacy Trust

Supporting & empowering young people to be confident, capable, independent and responsible citizens within their own communities.


2021's Annual Fundraising Dinner preview


Trust collaborate with Alive and Kicking for latest strand to #YesBallGames campaign