Volunteers Area

Welcome to our volunteer area of the website which is just for you, our Denis Law Legacy Trust volunteers! Here you’ll find relevant policies, latest news and resources to support you in your role and personal development. This page is designed to support your volunteer experience and ensure you’re well equipped to deal with any challenges that arise, hopefully aiding your development and improving the experience of both you and our participants.

The work you all do is massively valued, volunteers are the backbone of the charity and you enhance everything Denis Law Legacy Trust does. Although we hope your volunteering is a positive experience, we recognise it can also be challenging which is why we would encourage you all to check out the various links and learnings that you’ll find below.

If you have any questions or want to find out more about our policies, contact Alaina our Volunteer Officer.



The following links contain important policies that are crucial to understand for the role of all staff and volunteers. Please take some time to read through these and check back every so often to refresh your mind;

Volunteer documents

The following documents cover everything you need to know as a Denis Law Legacy Trust volunteer. Please take a few minutes to read through these key documents:

Key Contacts

All full-time staff who will gladly help you with any questions or queries you may have:

  • Mark Williams, Chief Operating Officer: 01224 263681, m.williams2@rgu.ac.uk.

  • Findlay Harkins, Streetsport Development Manager: 01224 263684, f.harkins@rgu.ac.uk.

  • Aimee Culley, Operations Coordinator: a.culley1@rgu.ac.uk

  • Kiana Coutts, Streetsport Outreach Officer: 01224 263137, k.coutts7@rgu.ac.uk.

  • Rhys Jones, Community Coordinator: r.jones11@rgu.ac.uk

  • Alaina Sinclair, Volunteer Officer: a.sinclair5@rgu.ac.uk

  • Greg Millar, Communications and Marketing Officer: 07717 512431, g.millar7@rgu.ac.uk.

keep up to date with us

From the Denis Law statue unveiling to the Cruyff Court twinning, Scottish Parliament recognition, Volunteer of the Year and more volunteer recognition, it’s been another busy period for the charity.

Check out our latest news section of the website which explores all what’s been going on.

Make sure to follow us on social media!

Follow us on social media to stay up to date with the latest news and new opportunities from Denis Law Legacy Trust!