Granite City Speaks Celebrates Scottish Women And Girls In Sport Week

This year’s Scottish Women and Girls in Sport week 2024 celebrates the importance of female leadership across the world of sport.

Highlighting the positive impact of sport on physical, mental and social health, Scottish Women and Girls in Sport Week has been consistently supported by Aberdeen children’s charity, Denis Law Legacy Trust.

This year, in line with the theme of leadership, Denis Law Legacy Trust asked female members of the Trust’s youth forum, Granite City Speaks three questions for Scottish Women and Girls in Sport Week:

1.      Who inspired you to take part in sport and why?

2.      What does being a leader mean to you?

3.      What is your message to young women and girls who want to take part in sport?

Lily, Granite City Speaks

“My dad encouraged me to stick in at football the most as we have always been a football inclined family and it is something we enjoy participating in and watching together.”

“Someone who is in charge and knows what they are doing and talking about.”

“I would say to other women and girls, do it you will not regret it.”

Kelsey, Granite City Speaks

“The person who inspired me to play football was my older cousin Shannon McGregor, who played for Aberdeen at the time, she encouraged me to join a team and always try my hardest alongside my Mum and Dad who always encouraged me to always do my best.”

“Being a leader means being positive, encouraging my teammates and always promoting them to do their best.”

“Don’t let anyone stop you from doing what you want to do and always try your best… ‘the world is your oyster’!”

Caitlin, Granite City Speaks

“Aimee as she told me about her experience with football playing for Montrose and that made me want get involved in sport.”

“A leader is someone who is in charge.”

“My message is, just do it!”

Chloe, Granite City Speaks

“Originally my parents encouraged me to get involved and try as many sports as possible when I was young. However, I would say that once I got involved, the other people who I met by doing sport further encouraged me and motivated me to find a true passion for sport.”

“Being a leader makes me feel empowered and responsible. Being at Streetsport and other leadership opportunities improves my confidence and also helps me be a role model to participants.”

“I would tell other young girls and women to 100% go for it and not let others opinions dictate what you do! If you enjoy something nobody else’s thoughts or opinions should matter, so give everything you can a go.”

Judith, Granite City Speaks

“My Grandpa inspired me because he was a goalkeeper and it improved his physical health.”

“A leader is someone who can take everyone’s opinion in mind and respect the team.”

“Go and do it! It is a good chance to meet new people and communicate with teammates.”

Brooke, Granite City Speaks

“My mum first inspired me and then I was inspired by others around me.”

“A leader is someone that has a positive effect on others.”

“Just go for it because people can’t tell you what to do and you won’t regret it.”

Denis Law Legacy Trust

Supporting & empowering young people to be confident, capable, independent and responsible citizens within their own communities.

Success for Denis Law Legacy Trust at Global Peace Games 2024


Streetsport Marks Scottish Women And Girls In Sport Week 2024