Successful DLLT Quiz Night Smashes Fundraising Target

Aberdeen children’s charity, Denis Law Legacy Trust held their most successful Quiz Night ever at Inn at the Park, raising vital funds for the Trust’s operations.

The popular fundraising event featured eight rounds of general knowledge with 18 teams locked in a competitive tussle for the top spot alongside musical entertainment from Claire Curran.

The evening also featured a game of heads or tails, a raffle and live auction that, combined with the generosity of all who attended, made the evening a big success. The money raised will go towards supporting Denis Law Legacy Trust’s range of programmes and activities that aim to support disadvantaged young people in Aberdeen and beyond.

Denis Law Legacy Trust is a registered charity that operates and delivers a number of free to access programmes and positive destination activities for young people.

Primarily through Streetsport, which is run in partnership with Robert Gordon University, the Trust aims to reduce instances of youth crime and anti-social behaviour; improve health and wellbeing; and encourage inclusivity through sport, physical activity and creative endeavour.

The Trust would like to sincerely thank everyone who helped to organise the event. From Bob Bain of Hall Morrice and his whole team to Inn at the Park for their hospitality. A special thank you also to everyone who attended and the generous businesses who donated raffle and auction prizes.

Denis Law Legacy Trust

Supporting & empowering young people to be confident, capable, independent and responsible citizens within their own communities.

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Cruyff Court Willie Miller Grand Opening: Image Gallery