Popular Aberdeen Community Sports Festival Arrives for Summer

The Denis Law Legacy Trust Community Festival is set to take place from 19 - 28 July offering 10 days of free sport and activity.

Hosted at the Aberdeen Sports Village (ASV), the festival boasts a packed timetable of free-to-access activities, including family sport events, water-based activities and football tournaments for varying ages and abilities.

The festival will open with the popular Sport di Strada. Named in honour of Denis Law’s time playing in Italy, the football tournament brings young people from Streetsport sessions across the city together for a fun, but competitive, tournament.

Run in partnership with Denis Law Legacy Trust and ASV, the festival is supported by Aberdonian Denis Law, Denis Law Legacy Trust’s patron and the only Scotsman to have ever won the coveted Ballon d’Or – which he achieved 60 years ago.

Other activities on offer include badminton, pickleball, table tennis, squash, girls’ activity sessions, corporate 7s, and the new ‘Festival of the Seas’ - which forms part of the legacy of the iconic Tall Ships coming to Aberdeen in 2025.

Graham Morrison, Head of Sport & Events at ASV said, “The Denis Law Legacy Trust Community Festival is a fantastic opportunity to create and deliver opportunities for people to participate in sport.

“We are delighted to introduce a new initiative to this year’s festival, in partnership Aberdeen City Council and the Festival of the Seas, we have introduced vital water-based activities to the free offer, and I would encourage all young people to sign up now.”

Scott McGinigal, Chair, Denis Law Legacy Trust said, “The ethos of Denis Law Legacy Trust is focused on improving well-being, reducing barriers to participation and empowering young people with new opportunities. As such, we are delighted to once again work with the Aberdeen Sports Village to provide over a week of free sport and activity for families and young people.

“As a children’s charity it is important to us that, like all Denis Law Legacy Trust activities, the Community Festival’s events are free-to-access and accessible for young people. I’m sure this will be another popular festival and I encourage young people and their families to take part and enjoy the activities on offer.”

A registered charity, Denis Law Legacy Trust operates and delivers a number of free-to-access programmes that enable young people to engage in free sport and creative activities within their local communities throughout Aberdeen.

Primarily through Streetsport, its flagship programme, the Trust aims to reduce instances of youth crime and anti-social behaviour; promote health and wellbeing and encourage inclusivity through sport, physical activity and creative endeavour. 

The full timetable of the Denis Law Legacy Trust Community Festival’s events can be found online: https://www.aberdeensportsvillage.com/denis-law