Denis Law Legacy Trust Golf Outing: Team Image Gallery

Thank you to all of the teams who took part in Denis Law Legacy Trust’s Golf Outing 2024 at Deeside Golf Club.

All the money raised is hugely appreciated and goes a long way to helping the organisation achieve significant targets. To find out more about the day visit here.

Thanks to Annie Dyer and Paul Irvine for their fantastic photography on the day. Images below can be enlarged by clicking on them and you can also view more event information and course images here.

Finally, thanks again to Deeside Golf Course for having us and to CNR International for their sponsorship.

You can click to enlarge the images below and if you’d like a higher-res copy of any of them please email Greg with a link/description of the image you’d like and he will send them on.

Denis Law Legacy Trust Golf Outing 2024 winners: Ning Zhang.