Creative studio announced for creating the Denis Law Legacy Trail

The Denis Law Legacy Trail has taken a further step forward with the announcement that Fine Day Studio has been commissioned to deliver the trail.

Consisting of ten locations in Printfield, the trail will allow citizens and visitors to celebrate, learn and be inspired by Denis Law, the legendary Scottish footballer who grew up in the area.

In total, 13 initial submissions were received and following a shortlisting and interview process, Fine Day will now take the project forward with support from Glasgow-based New Practice.

Work will start over the coming months to create and install the outdoor artworks that will form the trail to promote Denis’ childhood roots.

Aberdeen City Council Co-Leader Councillor Christian Allard said: “It is encouraging to see this project entering its final stages.  Fine Day will now work closely with the council, the Denis Law Legacy Trust and the Printfield Community and continue this successful partnership working to see the legacy trail come to fruition in honour of one of our city’s footballing greats.”

A motion on the creation of the walking trail was brought to Full Council by Councillor Neil Copland in March 2020.

Councillor Copland said: “I am so pleased that Fine Day are now on board to deliver this walking trail that will celebrate Denis’ life. The trail will not only inspire young people in our city but will generate a welcome boost for the Printfield area as a new tourist attraction.”

Colin Leonard, Founder, Fine Day Studio said: "We are really honoured to have won the commission. We're celebrating a true legend who was not only crowned 'the greatest football player on earth' but also a hardworking and courageous team player who championed his Aberdonian roots and his Printfield upbringing.

"Each destination on the trail holds an opportunity to tell his story and bring a sense of joy and ownership to the community."

To compliment the trail, a new commission is being launched to create a series of murals of Denis Law on Clifton Court, acting as an iconic gateway to both the city and starting point for the trail route.

The Council are seeking an experienced street art / mural designer to deliver world-class large-scale murals to celebrate Printfield’s connection to its pioneering footballer son.

The closing date for the commission is 9 September and can be viewed on the Public Contract Scotland portal here:

Mark Williams, Chief Operating Officer, Denis Law Legacy Trust said:” Having started as a concept developed by Gray’s School of Art working directly with the Printfield Community, we are confident this great project will motivate and inspire a new generation of young people to thrive and achieve their own ambitions.”

A Printfield Community Project Spokesperson said: "We are delighted that The Denis Law Trail Project is going ahead to recognise Denis Laws fantastic football career and  his childhood in Printfield. This Project will inspire our children and young people and Printfield Community Project will fully support this exciting journey."

Debbie Rae, Law family member, said: “The Law family are delighted to support this fantastic project that will leave a positive, long-lasting legacy for Denis Law and the community in Printfield.” 

The costs for the trail and murals are being met by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and The Common Good Fund.