5 Reasons Why Volunteering Can Complete Your Student Experience

Freshers’ week is finally here! It’s an exciting time for many who are moving out for the first time and heading off to university or college. One way that you can kickstart your student experience is through volunteering with Denis Law Legacy Trust’s Streetsport!

Streetsport is Denis Law Legacy Trust’s flagship programme. Ran in partnership with the Robert Gordon University, Streetsport delivers free weekly sports and creative activity sessions for young people across Aberdeen City 5-nights a week, 50-weeks a year.

Here are 5 reasons from student volunteers why volunteering with Streetsport can help complete your student experience:

  1. Through Volunteering with us, you will meet new people and develop your personal skills.
    “Volunteering with Streetsport has supported me to make new friends by helping me gain the confidence I never thought I would have. It has enabled me to go out of my comfort zone, be around new people and talk to others.” Tegan, North East Scotland College.

  2.  Volunteering with Streetsport is a great way to support your mental wellbeing.
    “Having been a volunteer for a few years now I can say that it has helped me gain more confidence in myself. There is a massive support system throughout Denis Law Legacy Trust that has been a massive help to not only me, but many others too. Volunteering has also helped me make so many friends that I wouldn't have met otherwise and I am very grateful for that.” Ella, Robert Gordon University.

  3. Volunteering with us works around your study schedule.
    ”I enjoy volunteering with Streetsport despite having a busy schedule. They are very understanding and flexible towards your schedule and there is no pressure to attend every session. It is a welcoming environment and I love the ethos of streetsport.” Emma, University of Aberdeen.

  4. Volunteering with Streetsport is a perfect way to give back to your local community.
    ”Volunteering with Denis Law Legacy Trust is definitely one of the best decisions I made on moving to Aberdeen. Volunteering enables me to give back to the community and to connect more with the people of Aberdeen. It makes me feel like a part of the community as well.” Daniel, Robert Gordon University

  5. Volunteering can lead to new opportunities and support your academic studies.
    “I first started my journey at Denis Law Legacy Trust when I saw my course, Applied Sport and Exercise Science, advertising a student placement with the charity. Throughout my placement I had outstanding support from the Streetsport Development Manager who was there to help whenever I had a question.”

    “I had such a wonderful experience and felt so welcomed that I decided to carry on volunteering for another 2 years once my placement was done. During this time the Streetsport Outreach Development Officer helped me gather data from the participants for my dissertation, which was a huge help! I wouldn’t have been able to pass my course without the continuous support of the charity.”

    “Two and a half years from starting my journey, I am now the Volunteer Officer for the Denis Law Legacy Trust, where I am helping to support volunteers who are looking to make a positive impact to young people in their communities, like I did.” Nikki Fyfe, Denis Law Legacy Trust Volunteer Officer.

We are always incredibly thankful for all our volunteers. Whether you volunteer at one session a week or multiple you will always be more than welcome!

If you are interested in volunteering with us, you can get in touch with our Volunteer Officer Nikki Fyfe at: n.fyfe1@rgu.ac.uk, come by our office at RGU: Sport or contact us via our social media.

Streetsport volunteers and staff at Celebrate Aberdeen 2023.

Denis Law Legacy Trust

Supporting & empowering young people to be confident, capable, independent and responsible citizens within their own communities.


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Denis Law Legacy Trust and Foundation 92 Host Volunteer Transfer